Thursday, February 16, 2012

How to avoid calling huge number of Java program

When the mail server receive email, it would trigger a java program by calling a shell script.
However, as the volumne of email is large, the java program will be triggered serveral times...

Better Design
Have a search in google and found something is useful to improve the current design.

The following is extracted from stackoverflow:
Standalone Java application is already running, so command line parameters are out of question.
Simplest alternatives remaining are polling for files, sockets and HTTP server.
Polling for files:
Make you java app to read a specific directory once in a few seconds. If a file appears in that directory, read it and do as it says. Make your shell script to form that file.
Make you java app to listen on a socket. Use netcat or a similar utility to send commands to that socket.
HTTP Server:
Start an HTTP listener within the Java process. Use wget or similar utility to post your commands to that listener:
HttpServer httpServer = HttpServer.create(new InetSocketAddress(port), 5);
httpServer.createContext("/", new TileServerRequestHandler());

Other options:


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